Suitable to secondary and primary school students, with on-campus teaching
VEX IQ challenge course
The VEX IQ CHALLENGE curriculum offers a range of notes, covering basic to advanced levels, to educate students on various scientific theories, mechanical structures, and programming concepts. The instructor is highly experienced in VEX ROBOTICS competitions and has previously taught at multiple primary and secondary schools. Additionally, he has secured a spot in the Hong Kong competition, qualifying for the VEX WORLD US competition.
VEX IQ CHALLENGE 課程設有筆記,由淺到深,學習不同科學理論,機械結構,到編程理論。導師具有多年VEX ROBOTICS 比賽經驗,過往教授過不同中小學校,取得香港賽名額參與VEX WORLD 美國賽。
With VEX CODE VR, programming and controlling the VEX IQ car becomes easier without the need for a physical car. Worksheets are provided for practice, making it easier to compete in real competitions.
VEX CODE VR 學習編程 ,不用實體VEX IQ 車亦可編程控制,到真正比賽更得心應手。

2) IQ Educator Certification Course
The IQ Educator Certification Course offers basic knowledge related to VEX IQ, starting from scratch. Upon completion, you will receive an official VEX IQ Educator certificate after a 45-minute exam.
學習一系列VEX IQ 相關基本知識,由零開始,完成彼會得到官方VEX IQ Educator certificate , 共10個unit, 45mins 考試。
3) VEX IQ 核心理論課程
The VEX Core Theory Course offers in-house courses and special topics with teaching materials and worksheets. Only a set of superkit is needed, which is suitable for daily life applications and provides a clearer understanding of the entire competition requirements.
一系列自家課程及專題,每堂提供教材,工作紙,學習不同核心理論,只需要一套superkit 就可以,切合生活應用,更清楚整個比賽要求。
The VEX IQ CHALLENGE competition course is taught by an experienced instructor who has taught in many schools and obtained a quota from Hong Kong to VEX WORLD.
具有豐富比賽經驗,曾教授多間學校,取得香港區名額到VEX WORLD。
VEX GO Course
VEX V5 Course
Metal construction is a great fit for middle and high school students who have an interest in mechanics. It's a suitable addition to regular courses.