3D 打印義肢手 (社企項目)
Mike Li 和Leo Lui 主要負責3D打印義肢的項目,分享3D打印技術,設計及製作義肢,幫助有需要人士.
我們在2016年設立社企 "3D打印義肢",希望透過與學校及外地NGO合作在STEM課程中推動3D打印義肢。學生了解手部不建全人士的需要及學習義肢運作相關技術,產生同理心,加入義工隊製作及組裝義肢手給西非、中東及其他發展中落後國家。
至今有300位中小學老師丶學生及家長参與我們的活動,送出60隻3D打印義肢手給本地及西非需要人士。 每個義肢背後代表一個不幸的故事。有先天發育不健全,後天因意外、疾病、天災及戰爭而失去身體的一部份。
我們會不斷研究及改善STEM課程的內容 ,除了3D打印設計,會加入IOT編程及舉辦義肢比賽運動會。邀請傷健人士、師生共同完成項目,帶出共融信息。我們希望將來有更多學校加入我們的項目,製作義肢手給本地及落後國家有需要人士使用,幫助及改善他們生活。
媒體報道 Media Reporting:
RTHK 香港電台 香港故事 - 民間,集氣!:業餘「肢」友
About e-NABLE :
e-NABLE is a group of caring individuals who spend their free time working on creating the best, most affordable, and most easily accessible 3D printed prosthetic hands and arms for children, and some adults in need. Their collaborative approach to design and democratization of 3D-printed prostheses could significantly improve millions of lives worldwide. Using open source 3D printable design files, anyone with a 3D printer can print out a custom sized prosthetic hand in a matter of hours. There are literally thousands upon thousands of children with severe upper limb disabilities from all over the world.The ability to create extremely affordable prosthetic hands means there is tremendous potential for all of these children and even adults to benefit from this phenomenal movement. Inspired from the e-NABLE community, we hope to bring these technologies and practices into mainstream medicine and local community. Started from last year, we have approached some local disabled people with severe upper limb disabilities and have gathered experts and hobbyists in 3D printers, 3D design tools, mechanics and electronics and created some prototype prosthetic hands for their testing. We hope the children's parents, rehabilitation physicians and therapists, experts and hobbyist to openly discuss the best design for the recipients through our discussion platform.