Refer to the Hong Kong Robotic Olympiad, to build and learn the mechanical theory involved.

The handicraft workshop combines different boards and wood blocks to make various daily supplies, and introduces the physical and scientific principles involved.

The mini capacitor and mini motor vibrating robot shells move around and participate in competition tasks. It can be used with a hand generator or USB charging, allowing children to display their personal creativity and easily learn the concepts of friction and energy conversion.
透過迷你電容和迷你摩打震動機械人外殼走動,參與比賽任務,可配合手搖發電機或usb 充電,讓孩子發揮個人創意,簡易學習摩擦力,能量轉換概念。

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It is suitable for upper primary school and junior high school students to learn simple circuits, hands-on welding, and the principles of electricity. LED matching circuit, with simple test, students will understand the principles of series and parallel circuits.
適合高小及初中學生學習簡易電路, 動手焊接, 明白通電原理。LED 配合電路,簡易測試, 明白串聯及並聯電路原理。